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Where the exceptional is tradition – and tradition is exceptional.
The birth of a brand
It was the year 1927. In all of Europe, an awakening was in the air. Technical innovation, young arts like film and photography, and unprecedented music like jazz made this decade into the Golden Twenties.
The first Saxon era
Rapid technical development in the early twentieth century precipitated the rise of the wristwatch. For those who needed to drive a car or pilot an airplane, the possibility of reading the time at a flick of the wrist was of vital importance. It was especially demanded of pilot’s watches that they be able to with-stand stress, easy to use, and precise.
The roots of perfection
The beginnings of watchmaking in Glashütte are deeply entwined with the secluded eastern Ore Mountains: watchmakers had to make almost all their parts themselves. Some of them became independent. It was Dr. Ernst Kurtz who brought the lone wolves scattered across the Müglitz valley together under one roof in a factory at the end of the 1920s, developing modern work structures.
Time needs time
On the road to success there are no shortcuts. And thus the creation of a complicated timekeeper calls for one thing above all: a lot of time. Because two to three years of planning and development may pass before a watch becomes a complete Tutima.